Selamat Hari Raya people, :)
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
puasa puasa puasa

sahur nasi ganja memang terbaik.even tak berkesempatan nak berbuka makan nasi ganja terus kan,tapau bawak balik pun jadi.hebat hebat since starting puasa aku makan nasi tak berhenti,sampailah dalam puasa ke 13-14 macam tu,tak larat dah nak jamu nasi,abis muak aku.kalau time sahur tahan lagi tapi bila dah masuk bab buka,tak lalu dah beb.lain kalau nasi tu pelik - pelik skit jarang nampak,rugi pula kalau tak try lately ni juadah berbuka aku dah masuk luar bab kemelayuan dah, street burger, maggi goreng , cheesy wedges benda-benda ni lah peneman waktu berbuka aku.
hari tu pergi ipoh biela serve KennyRogers pula,licin abis.Memang tak lalu dah nak menelaah nasi,tahan time sahur je bila masuk bab berbuka,lari terus line makan ni. Petang ni still taktau nak makan ape lagi,will figure out soon
Talking bout food for breakfasting kan, this is something in common between people even including me.
What to eat petang ni?
Makan sedap-sedap lah petang ni
tak cukup lah,tak kenyang
We are slowly forgetting bout pahala puasa itself think bout what to eat masa breakfasting. Plan ramai2 makan sedap2, order tu order ni. Somehow kita bole terlupa dengan orang-orang yang tak berkemampuan macam kita, which is truly wrong. Puasa teaches us to be moderate, to feel what they feel, to be grateful, to be thankful. It is no wrong to eat what we want, but sometimes we need to get our heart to them too,
"bersedekah di bulan Ramadhan adalah sedekah yang terbaik sekali" quoted from Mdm Julie fb's
yup totally agree with that statement, makan sedap2 pun jangan lupa nak bersedekah. Am advising this to myself and to all my friends out there. Selamat berpuasa :)
Monday, August 1, 2011
hari pertama ramadhan 2011

Bazaar Ramadhan
Macam biasalah, hari pertama puasa memang mengasyikkan. Hari ni tak terasa laparnya sebab dengan berjayanya aku sahur di awal pagi tadi. Terima kasih kepada kawan-kawan rumah yang tidak jemu mengejut diri ini hehe
Dah lah marah banyak2 pun takguna jugak,puasa ni kne banyak bersabar. the best thing pasal ramadhan ni is selain berpuasa, its the juadah berbuka@bazaar ramadhan.mmg terbaik.aku buka atas jalan je kot.dengan lauk2 habis,terpaksa beli lauk dekat kedai jugak.1st day buka memang peniaga2 ni nak test market kot.jual skit hari ni laku esok baru jual banyak.they got good business minded jugak tp karang jual banyak membazir lah pulak.sedang2 je berniaga ye.syukurlah ada untung. yet i am satisfied with my food for breakfasting td.eventho sedang2 je aku tetap kenyang.syukur alhamdullilah :)
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

In a day time,muslim people are going to celebrate Ramadhan, a fasting month which is most welcome. Its a bless to celebrate Ramadhan every year and been the most exciting month ever. Besides learning of understanding the poor people, we should be thankful of having a good life, a good health in celebrating this month. Hope this Ramadhan would be better than the previous one.
Happy Ramadhan to all :)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Ultras Malaya, go Malaysia
Go Malaysia, Go Harimau Malaya
The atmosphere is electrifying, 2nd leg game will be awesome playing at our home ground Bukit Jalil this 26th July
The atmosphere is electrifying, 2nd leg game will be awesome playing at our home ground Bukit Jalil this 26th July

Sememangnya aku tak pernah nak follow game-game malaysia sebelum ni, tapi semenjak pergi tengok Malaysia vs Indonesia 1st leg at Bukit Jalil for suzuki cup before ni, things do change. Past several local league season (Malaysia Super League), kita ada nampak improvement dalam local football scene kita, local clubs improved a lot, bak datang dari sub players,sampai starting eleven and even staf-staf sokongan club,semua nampak jujur taat setianya,apatah lagi bila players dah dipanggil main untuk malaysia,an opportunity that cannot be refused.
Ultras Malaya pula,since dulu tengok live telecast malaysia punya match,ultra malaya boleh tengok bape kerat je yang datang,kedai kedai mamak je kalau nak support pun,takde masa nak pegi stadium tengok game but now berebut rebut manusia pergi beli ticket.tweet #harimaumalaya pun ada mention siap ada sorang ni beli 200tiket lagi for this 2nd leg game,i wish i could join them tapi resposibility aku sebagai pelajar membatalkan hasrat aku untuk ke Bukit Jalil khamis ni,apakan daya wishing them all the best je lah,menang game ni sure ada game lagi pasni and could be better than facing singapore
i just watched Mokhar Dahari,the untold story screened on National geography last night,couldnt agree more of people saying good things bout him,the way he played and his loyalty towards his clubs and country, hes one in a million and kalaulah aku manager selangor,aku simpan je no 10 tu sampai sekarang, safee sali is a good striker but no at superMokh level, he different from any other striker born in malaysia, wish i could see his game while he was alive.May he rest in peace
go malaysia go!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
midsem break
currently listening to najwa ; cinta muka buku, i just heard that song while eating burger at boy burger somewhere in penang,balik rumah apa lagi download here and there dengan lagu2 abang nabila hasni. okay back to the topic, this midsem break is coming to an end, with a few days to go. i just remembered i have been counting days to reach this break and suddenly it is coming to an end dahh, time is too short too spend, so do life. life during this break is just awesome.i am staying in a new house,somewhere in section 7,u guys are most welcome and call me if u wanna come,ill be directing till u get to my house.
just before i got home, spends 2 nights at taiping fishing somewhere in Jeli,Tasik Banding. A fun,scary,adventurous experiences. Then got home and hang out with old friends here. Helped my parents with my sibs and not to forget, Mimi's birthday was yesterday, Happy 15th Birthday again,may Allah bless u with good health,happiness and succes in life :)
Then another story with Nabila Hasni, i had a day out with her and her mum and also her sibs, its a girls day out suddenly i was there.invited i am invited,bukan suka suka menyibok yee but i had fun with them. i ate a lot,they shop a lot what a chemistry we got here
then its BPL clubs having fun in Malaysia. Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea. sadly Man Utd is currently on US tour. But then Malaysia had shown a good fighting spirit, am very proud of our national team. the quality is there and all do we need now is more exposure. Singapore-Malaysia world cup asia zone qualifying is on saturday dont forget Malaysian,just dont
the thing is my break is still not over,yet
500days of summer will not be forgotten :)
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