Go Malaysia, Go Harimau Malaya
The atmosphere is electrifying, 2nd leg game will be awesome playing at our home ground Bukit Jalil this 26th July
The atmosphere is electrifying, 2nd leg game will be awesome playing at our home ground Bukit Jalil this 26th July

Sememangnya aku tak pernah nak follow game-game malaysia sebelum ni, tapi semenjak pergi tengok Malaysia vs Indonesia 1st leg at Bukit Jalil for suzuki cup before ni, things do change. Past several local league season (Malaysia Super League), kita ada nampak improvement dalam local football scene kita, local clubs improved a lot, bak datang dari sub players,sampai starting eleven and even staf-staf sokongan club,semua nampak jujur taat setianya,apatah lagi bila players dah dipanggil main untuk malaysia,an opportunity that cannot be refused.
Ultras Malaya pula,since dulu tengok live telecast malaysia punya match,ultra malaya boleh tengok bape kerat je yang datang,kedai kedai mamak je kalau nak support pun,takde masa nak pegi stadium tengok game but now berebut rebut manusia pergi beli ticket.tweet #harimaumalaya pun ada mention siap ada sorang ni beli 200tiket lagi for this 2nd leg game,i wish i could join them tapi resposibility aku sebagai pelajar membatalkan hasrat aku untuk ke Bukit Jalil khamis ni,apakan daya wishing them all the best je lah,menang game ni sure ada game lagi pasni and could be better than facing singapore
i just watched Mokhar Dahari,the untold story screened on National geography last night,couldnt agree more of people saying good things bout him,the way he played and his loyalty towards his clubs and country, hes one in a million and kalaulah aku manager selangor,aku simpan je no 10 tu sampai sekarang, safee sali is a good striker but no at superMokh level, he different from any other striker born in malaysia, wish i could see his game while he was alive.May he rest in peace
go malaysia go!
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